Excavators are popular pieces of heavy-duty construction equipment. They can accomplish a range of tasks and boost productivity, but only with safe and effective operation strategies. We've gathered up essential excavator operation tips below. For more advice or to shop heavy duty construction equipment for sale, visit Stribling Equipment. We operate dealerships across Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas.
Before operating any piece of heavy duty construction equipment, it's important to undergo the required training. Learn the proper ways to operate the specific excavator you are going to be using. There could be model-specific techniques to use or not use.
All heavy duty construction equipment will face wear and tear, which will slowly decrease the model's ability to efficiently and safely perform. Before you use the excavator, go through an inspection checklist. For example, make sure the excavator does not need any parts replacements or repairs.
It's important to stay on top of excavator maintenance. By keeping up with preventative maintenance tasks, you can help ensure the equipment is in optimized condition. This can help extend the lifespan of the excavator and reduce the visits to a mechanic.
The safest route is usually the one with the flattest terrain. Try to avoid taking the excavator over unnecessary bumps and slopes.
As you move the excavator, keep the bucket low to the ground. You don't want the bucket blocking any part of your view and reducing your visibility. Plus, having the bucket low to the ground helps keep the excavator stable.
Most pieces of heavy duty construction equipment are not designed for quick or sharp turns - and it's no different with excavators. Take small and gradual turns, not sharp ones, to help keep the excavator stable.
Stay aware of your surroundings and adjust accordingly. Slow down when you face unpredictable terrain or a crowded area, position the excavator vertically when you go up a slope, and so on.
Position the excavator on as level of a surface as possible when parking. Don't forget to lower the bucket attachment to the ground.
Turn off the auto-idle switch. Let the engine run at half throttle and without a cargo load for a few minutes. This helps cool the turbocharger down. Once that's done, set the RPM to low idle and then turn the engine off. Remember to lock up the cab after you exit the excavator.
Want more excavator tips? Want to shop heavy duty construction equipment for sale? Whatever you need, the experts at Stribling Equipment are here to help. Contact us or stop by one of our dealerships in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi.